Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chapter 1: In the Beginning...

 Jojo Cherry was an average pie living in Sugarville. He played Pin the Sprinkles on the Cupcake, rode his piecycle, and got good grades on his Arithmicake test. But there was one differant thing about him: He was the world famous Super Pie Guy! Defender of all baked goods! Defeater of the evil Masked Cookie! But he wasn't always like that. No, before that, he was a humble cherry pie.

  "Happy Birthday Jojo!" Shouted Jojo's family. "Wow! This is awsome!" said Jojo. It was his tenth birthday, and that was a big deal in Sugarville. Every one of his family members were there; Auntie & Uncle Plum, Cousin Coco, his other Cousin Bob, Even Grandma Apple! "Present time!" announced Billy Bob Joe, Jojo's dad. "This first one is from us!" cheered Bob & Coco. Jojo hesitated a bit before opening their gift, because five months ago, they had given Jojo's little brother, Bebe Pie, an explosive rattle. Slowly, he unwrapped the blue paper. His mouth opened wide. "Oh my gosh! The PieCam 5000! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" Jojo hugged his cousins. He had always wanted a PieCam 5000, it was then best digital video camera on the market. He thanked then about twenty more times, then filmed Bebe Pie eating a bug.

  He opened the rest of his presents; a dartboard from Uncle Plum, a fairy princess diary from Auntie Plum ("That's going in the back of the closet!"  Thought Jojo.),  and Gramdma Pie gave him a I LOVE PIEROCK teeshirt (PieRock was his favorite band). It wasn't a bad party.

  When everyone else was gone, Grandma Apple came over to Jojo. "Hey, Jojo, you know how you see those Super Heros in the comics?" she asked. "Yeah, FatMan is a real cool one!" he said happily. Maybe she was going to give him a comic book! "Well, have you ever heard of Super Pie Girl?" she asked again. "I think so, maybe on a TV special about vintage comics." he said, starting to get confused. "Well, I was Super Pie Girl, fifty years ago." she said softly. Jojo looked aghast. "YOU? YOU were Super Pie Girl? Wow! How did you get your powers? Who was your first enemy? Did you ever eat an evil bug?" he showered her with questions. "Hold on there, Bucko. I first got my powers when I was ten too. My Grandma gave them to me, she was Super Pie Woman. All the power comes from this." She held up a shimmering blue cape. "And now, I want you to have it." She passed him the cape. It was soft and silky. "Wow grandma, I don't know what to say." He spoke, slightly in shock. "Well, maybe a 'Thank You' would be good. Now, what will be your Super Name?" She asked Jojo. "Hmmm, obviously something with Super Pie in it. Maybe Super Pie Guy!?" He shouted excitedly. Grandma Apple smiled. "That sounds perfect." she said.

So, he became Super Pie Guy, with no idea what power and responsibilies will follow. Stay tuned to find out what happened next!

-Anne L.

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